Association of West Midlands Motor Clubs

 Association of West Midlands Motor Clubs 

A Motorsport UK Registered Association

Motorsport UK Logo

Due to the untimely passing of Midi Arnold, it has been decided to CANCEL the next Association meeting due on the 9th May. Instead our next meeting will now be the one previously scheduled to be held on Tuesday 8th August. Will you please note this date change. Clubs are also being advised of the change.

In the meantime if there are any Association matters which you need to have a decision on, make us aware, or have any other issues that we can assist with, please do not hesitate to contact Dave Cooper or Steve Gregg.

With regard to the funeral arrangements we are still awaiting final confirmation but it is looking like it will be held on Wednesday 10th May at Telford Crematorium. As soon as this is confirmed we will let you know.


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