- TITLE The name of the association shall be '' The Association of West Midland Motor Clubs'' hereafter referred to as the Association.
- OBJECT The object of the Association shall be liaison and mutual consultation within the prescribed area on all matters connected with Motor Sport.
- CONSTITUTION Membership shall be open to any MSA recognised Motor Club whose application for membership has been accepted at a Committee Meeting. Individual life members may be appointed at the Committee's discretion. The Association reserves the right to refuse membership without reason.
- MANAGEMENT The authority and responsibility for the transactions of the business of the Association and for it's management shall be vested in the committee.
- ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Championship Secretaries and the Year Book Editor, shall be elected at the October meeting of the Association and subject to termination of the office by resignation or otherwise, shall remain in office until their successors are appointed at the following Octobers Extraordinary Meeting. The retiring Officers shall be eligible for re - election. One person may occupy more than one post if so selected. Rules for voting are as per General Committee Meetings.
- COMMITTEE The Committee shall consist of the elected Officers of the Association who are ex - officio members and two delegates from each club. A quorum consists of one fifth of member clubs in attendance. The Committee shall have the power to appoint a Sub - Committee of not less than five persons (two of whom must be Officers of the Association) to investigate on it's behalf any matter which is specially referred to such a Sub - Committee
- COMMITTEE MEETINGS A dates meeting will be held to conform with the MSA requirements to produce the Association calendar prior to the submission to them for inclusion into their Year Book. Member Clubs shall specify at this time their requirements for their National B plus events to be considered for inclusion in the prescribed Association Championships. Other meetings will be held during the year prior to the holding of the MSA Regional Committee meetings. The venue and dates of the Association Committee meetings will be advised in advance of the meeting.
- DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary should attend all meetings of the Association. Minutes must be circulated to all member clubs and presented for confirmation at the following meeting. BANKING All Monies of the Association shall be banked by the Treasurer in the name of the Association. Two signatures shall be required for any disbursements and these signatures will be nominated by the Committee as and when the Committee sees fit.
- MEMBERSHIP Each club wishing to join the Association shall pay the annual subscription by Standing Order Mandate. The renewal subscription shall become due on the 1st January each year and expire on the 31st December following. Any Club not remitting the renewal fee within three months of the date on which it became due, shall be notified of the fact by the Treasurer. If the club fails to make payment within a further calendar month their name may, unless in the sole view of the Committee sufficient reason is shown for not doing so, be taken from the register of membership forthwith. Members of the non - complying club will not be eligible to take part in any competitions promoted by the Association. VOTING Each member club shall be allowed two delegates to attend committee meetings but only one vote for any proposition. The Chairman shall not vote, except in the exercise of a casting vote. Other Officers who are not nominated representatives of their club shall have no vote.
- CLUB DUTIES The onus shall be on member clubs to notify the Secretary of the Association of any changes of their Club Officials, namely their Secretary, Competition Secretary Treasurer, and delegates to the Association.
- CIRCULARS/MINUTES/AGENDA All Association communications shall normally be sent to Club Delegates unless other names are requested in writing.
- EXPULSION OF MEMBERS The Committee may expel any club from the Association providing that two thirds of the clubs attending the Committee meeting so agree, and that the club concerned has had fourteen days notice of the agenda for that meeting, and is allowed to state it's case against such expulsion at the meeting in question before a vote takes place.
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM of the Association shall be held during January, February or March of each year on a date and time to be fixed by the Committee. The AGM shall :- Receive from the Chairman a report on the Association's activities. Receive and approve from the Secretary a report on the business activities of the Association. Receive and approve from the Treasurer a full statement of accounts showing receipts and expenditure for the year ending the previous December.
- SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS A Special General meeting may be convened by the direction the Chairman, Secretary, or by a requisition to the Secretary stating the business for which a Special General Meeting is required and signed by an Officer of each of not less than six member clubs. The said meeting shall be held within a minimum notice of 21 days within a calendar month of the requisition. The non receipt of such notice by any member club shall not invalidate the proceedings providing that a quorum is present.
- CHAMPIONSHIPS Each Championship Secretary shall be responsible for the collation of the Championship fixtures, amendments of rules. and collection of fees. All Association Championships should endeavour to be self financing.
- LIFE MEMBERS The Association shall at its discretion circularise all ex Chairman and Secretaries with the Year Book and all other relevant material. Life Members may attend all meetings but not vote.
- RESIGNATION Any member club wishing to resign it's membership of the Association shall give notice in writing of such a desire to the Association Secretary prior to the renewal of it's subscription. Otherwise it shall be liable to pay it's subscription for the coming year.
- DISSOLUTION Any funds or liabilities upon dissolution of the Association shall be the responsibility in equal shares of all paid up member clubs.